Thursday 28 March 2013

Good Riddance........

All those bad habits that one has,
That killed the thought to be good.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All those gossips that would amuse one,
That killed the character of the unknown.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All those evil thoughts which come with power,
That killed the hint of innocence, which would've stayed if chosen.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All the smartness that prevents,
In helping the under privileged.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All the laziness that prevents,
In quest for glory.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
The ability to frown,
At the sight of inability.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All the betrayal, cowardice, avarice, connivance,
In your quest to be numero uno, in that you know.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
The cowardice that helps one give up,
At the first sight of failure.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All the materiality that is lost,
In the act of generosity.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All the things valuable,
For matters which are priceless.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All the differences,
In matters of the heart, dealing with which is an art.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
All the negatives that cross,
While praying thy lord to sail across.
Would be good riddance, if one tries.
Of what avail is it, when one errs and he cries,
Unless it is for Good riddance he strives.
Pic Courtesy: and Google Image Search engine

Monday 25 March 2013

At the edge

At the edge of anticipation, lie their eyes that flicker for sight
And their minds that won’t rest at night.
At the edge of the fear of rejection, lies the pathway
to the sacred union of hearts, synonymous to happiness.
At the edge of your tongue, lie the answers
to the language of love unspoken as yet. 
At the edge of happiness, lie the two hearts that throb to communicate,
But the words won’t come out.
At the edge of oblivion, lies the result of unuttered words,
If these words don’t come out.
At the edge of sorrow, lie the broken hearts,
If the words never come out.
People say words unspoken are spoken by hearts,
The language of hearts though evident,
Need words to set a precedent.   
On the ledge, lie these words unuttered,
Still in anticipation of someone worthwhile to be spoken to.
Still on the edge, with words unspoken that create a wedge
and destined to stay on the ledge, lies the heart which yet has never felt. 

Pic Courtesy: Google Images and the name on the Pic - Kerol Azuan Photography

Saturday 16 March 2013

The Ghost that became a reality

He was always there among them,
unseen, unheard.
He used to speak to people, his voice went unheard.
They used to go out in groups, he was in all of those,
Yet unseen, unheard.
They played, they made merry, he was there,
Yet, unseen, unheard.
He had an opinion on everything seen and heard,
Yet unseen, unheard.
People used to listen to others as he spoke,
People used to see through him,
Still unseen and unheard.
There was this girl who always used him,
Whom he wanted to be noticed with,
She saw him, he saw her, and then she saw them,
He was forgotten, unseen and unheard,
As she was enticed by everything around him rather than him.
He was alone again and again and again and
Lost hope, yet unseen, unheard,
He cried alone, unseen and unheard.
He felt jailed, and then trailed and then nailed.
And then came an angel right from above,
That he heard and was heard.
Unseen he hoped to others, and seen by her,
She saw the beauty of his invisible heart,   
Heard the naive beats that craved for the companionship of a genuine heart,
At last he was seen and heard.
She fell for him, his humble and genuine intentions.
As she fell, he held her in his arms,
Married her in his heart,
Carried her in his soul for the rest of his life of visibility that she gifted him.
As his sadness vanished,
His tears banished to his memories.
The Ghost became a reality,
As his heart was solicited,
his happiness, felicitated, with a marriage of hearts that owing to his visibility, he celebrated.
So ends the invisibility that to him became invisible,
And his visibility, that was to her noble,
As to her, he was adorable.

This is an inspiration from Season 2, Episode 5 of “Enlightened”, HBO Series. One of my first efforts on poetry that is this long, hope you like it.

Pic Courtesy: and Google Images

Thursday 14 March 2013

Real Disability of the Mind

Who is a disabled person?

One with the inability in thought? .
It is the person who fails to get up everyday, knowing he has been a failure now or all his life and lets this temporal feeling of permanence take control of his life. One who loses confidence in his ability to be alive while he lives. One who gives up living, giving up life for example.

Are whom we call "disabled", really disabled?

They are disabled by our minds to be enabled. The only people who do what their heart asks them to do. Their inability to be jealous, greedy, to compete for every damned materialistic thing, to connive to gain, to frame others for their misgivings, is what is connoted with the word ""disability"" by the disabled majority. Disabled to perceive their immortal ability of not giving importance to materialism. The only genuine friend a commoner can assure himself of and trust with inability of connivance or one who has been disabled with a noble heart to bear the frowning majority, at the very thought of disability perceived by commoners. The minority with the ability to forgive the fallacies of majority committed upon them.

It is us, the so called majority, with the disability to know their inability to perceive our negatives, who should be christened by them as "Disabled". They are differently abled to be happy in their own world of creation. They never fiddled with the thoughts or deeds of the majority. They are in their own world trying not to over-think to smile for happiness and not exert themselves too much for tears. They cry when sad, without the societal inhibition of a commoner getting to judge them. They sang aloud when they can and danced when they could, to be happy. They don't refrain thought, by wanting to be taught to be civilized, by the hypocritical common man. The God's own children protected to the core, by their human creators (parents) and the societal charitable hearted teachers of sanity.

They were never disabled, they were and are enabled by the divine to express. The only people living with the freedom of speech and expression, living true to the word freedom, in their own world.

When will i call myself a "man" of ability to empathize?

The day I can approach the differently abled by looking beneath the exterior, controlling my ability to frown at their pain, which comes all so naturally to human-beings. Recognizing the elusive independence that they crave for and i am born with. Realizing their ability to forgive their creator for differently abling them due to their inability of thought of riddles of a commoners life. Intoxicated by the beauty that he created elsewhere, he tried to be lateral in thought while creating them. He created them with his vision but forgot to give us his vision, Always making them depend on others, who spoil things with thought, for compassion and obligating others to do what they need done. That day of acceptance will be the day real empathy shall dawn on me and i shall be a "man" with the ability of empathy. For I've learnt to live beyond all that I can't have and live with that given, happily!

Let me sign off with this thought of mine:

I've always wondered that if life were to be filled with insane people as we would call them, there would be no betrayal, no melodrama, no competition, no jealousy till sane people enter the scene and spoil the broth of insanity and happiness, which to the sane is insanity.

Reference here is to Mental Disability


Wednesday 13 March 2013

Happy without thought

Sometimes you can be sad for a numerous reasons, but many don't realize that one needs no reason to be happy. Reason out your sadness on your way to be smiling without a reason. Lesser are the chances to be sad, when you stop over thinking for tears and stop thinking to smile!

Equality in Vision

What would happen to the humans, if hearts were the only form of humans?
Though given vision, only visuals of bare-naked hearts can be seen, no flesh camouflaging the hearts vision.
One could not differentiate one from another, as they all come in the same shapes and sizes.
Then there would be true, unconditional and emotionally satiated love from one to another!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Gift with no takers

I can gift the world to you, if you were to ask.
But i shall gift my heart even if you don't.
For my heart is yours to be taken,
if not, it shall forever remain forsaken.

Just a thought that came to me on seeing the climax scene of Saheb, Biwi and Gangster Part-II.   

Monday 4 March 2013

Pass Time Rhymers

1.You were a walker my dear and for the rest of my life, you've made me a stalker.

2.I walked behind her, she ran away,
   I walked behind her, she ran away,
   She had this way about her,
   Along with which she carried my heart away.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Art films, heroes, commoners and reality !

Art films not hits?
That's because they portray commoners, they portray real life situations, they call for an intellect to appreciate their efforts, not the common one though, real life celluloid dreams of intuitive and intellectual directors, who don't connect with the masses. When they do, it's seems to portray an ordinary man's ordinary life in ordinary circumstances, telling the masses as to what ordinarily happens, which they already know and are not  willing to waste their time and money knowing reality, when they can spend a few quid on chasing, dreaming and empathizing about unreal fantasies!

But what do commoners want?
"Victory be unto a common man in all demanding situations".
These commoners want a life of riches and fantasies they could afford  only in their dreams. They hallucinate their fantasies in those three hours spending a few quids, no wonder an Amitabh or a Rajni can be celluloid dreams for a commoner. These heroes live the celluloid dreams of a commoner.
Be it Logic defying deeds  by Rajni or an angry young man like Amitabh, who goes against the all powerful monarch, these two always come out on top. This fantasy is what a commoner relates to. Being overpowered and coming out of it empowered, defy logic and side with magic (some examples of their fantasies).
 All that a common man wants to spend his few quids on is for a few hours of unreal fantasy, which he wants to be a part of, the power of empathy for a hero against all odds,  though logically odd when an odd one observes is what a common man wants.

Common reality;

Look at the political situation in AP and TN, these celluloid heroes are given a chance by the commoners to be real life heroes, but when given a chance what would a rational person like an actor do?, 
Do what he's done all his life, start acting, get masses behind him, portray himself to be a real life hero and abandon common wants into a lifetime zero.

Now who wants to be a hero?
A commoner
Who is a hero ?
One of the commoners made uncommon by the common!
In movies ?
Handsome ones, without a goal of being original,  who want to be screened!
 Real heroes?
Spotlight shy warriors, who do something uncommon in reality viz. save lifes, fight against evil.
 Their plight?
Once famed and then framed and then later on blamed.

The Curse of Vision

     Ones endowed with beauty are born humble and gain name and fame owing to their endowment and gain arrogance. But the ones not endowed are the ones giving the former name and fame, for they adore what they don't possess and forget the priceless hospitality and the heart of gold that defies age, that they do possess.
     Of what avail is this materiality in giving after judgement, when one can shower love unconditionally.  God has negated us by giving us eyes, to ignore what can't be seen by the eyes and cherish that which can be seen by our hearts.