Wednesday 3 September 2014

All too Human

Inability to look past beauty,
Inability to shout, thinking of society,
Inability to air your version, fearing the brand perversion.
Fear for other's thoughts, and inhibition to express one's true self.
Ability to hide the inability and inability to showcase his ability.
Ability to lose confidence in nascent stages of impending greatness.
Ability to misjudge people of good intentions.
Ability to love and distrust at the same time. 
Inability to tear up for others' loss and ability to smile at selfless sacrifice.
Ability to lead a clichéd life and inability to standby by one's own views in testing circumstances.
Inability to follow up on curiosity and ability to hide thoughts bordering on human labelled insanity.
Ability to hide the kid in you and express the adult that's not you.
Giving in to society and faking the artificiality as reality for acceptance.
All too human I see,
All too human I concede,
All too human I've become, one among many.
Pic Courtesy -