Sunday 27 October 2013

The Idea of Philanthropy

Real Happiness of the
The Saviour Doctor,
The Saviour Charitable,
The Saved life,
One dedicating his life to others,
One being happy at the smile of others,
Coming to the aid of the orphaned,
Providing a family to the orphaned,
The feeling of loneliness substituted by the happiness of togetherness,
To the one living in solitude, Leaving aside solitude and enjoying the multitude in happiness of others,
Real happiness lies in provision of what one has, to the have not’s.
The philosophy of philanthropy is a selfish thought of selflessness,
You may ask why?
Its because the end result is that of happiness of the one who gives which already resulted in the happiness of the one who received.
Serving the needy, feeling needed, ability to give, happiness of provision, providing ammunition for happiness! Philanthropy – the perfect tonic of happiness to the noble hearts that give without too much of a thought- Real and unparalleled happiness!
Dedicated to the Mother of Sacrifice – Teresa and a silly little movie Kick, with a hint of nobility in deeds, which inspired this thought.

Yet to act on it- As I am a common man, yet to be inspired J

Pic Courtesy:

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