Monday 9 September 2013

My write-up for a photographer!

About me;
Hrithik Roshan  goes my name. Born and bred in Bangalore, raised and fed by loving parents. Am taking care of their creation for me, “my family business”. I have an MBA from  a reputed University.
Found Love;
I am a photography enthusiast, who capitalises on the inability of the eyes and the human mind to retain the sight of the divine marvel of nature and the creations of masterminds of humanity. I love sharing the creation of my vision on celluloid, on every one of my photography missions with like-minded people and nature enthusiasts. With the hope of appreciation that my eyes had for these wonder shots, I present to thee, my effort on celebrating the creations captured by me, with hard work and unswerving dedication to this passion of mine.
I have visited various heritage sites of Mother Earth (may not be the ones declared as such by humans) and have been inebriated on every sight of what it has to offer to humanity. I have braved the physical obstacles that nature poses in order to capture this captivating magnum opus of divinity and humanity. Photography I believe is poetry in motion, for every one with ability to see and believe in wonders. It is the mother of all inventions.
Willing to share with thee my passion;
I am a student of my lens, willing to share it and tutor other students sharing the same enthusiasm of mine, for this beautiful passion of creation and reminiscence. I shall make time to flirt with this passion of mine with enthusiasts in workshops.
Punch-line if need be:
Divinity oozes class; this is my fervent effort to bring it to the mass.
Thanks to Amit Pramod Kamat for giving me a chance.



  1. welcome to the world of Photography. It gets as mesmerizing as your creativity. It gets really exciting ones you are one with your Device.

  2. Purandar Pasupulety22 May 2016 at 07:09

    Dazzling motion picture of a photographer well captured in eloquent linguistics
