Saturday 15 June 2013

Oh my Dear

Oh my dear, all you possess is the bachelor-ship of beauty in this education of life,
I on the other hand am the King of Hearts,
And the Master of Arts.
Beauty ain’t the be all and end all to the one who looks beneath
And sees the subtleness of your heart.
Of what avail is the seduction of Beauty,
To the one blinded by the love for the character of heart.
My dear beauty you’re an art and I am an artist,
Tell me who needs to impress?
Where lies beauty, there lies a presumption as to conquest of hearts.
But all hearts don’t crave for beauty alone,
For beauty shall age and fade out,
True love and honour shall follow you to grave.
Pic Courtesy : MYSELF


  1. One of best posts I have read for a long time..:) Awesome pic and amazing use of words...:) Loved this line,
    "But all hearts don’t crave for beauty alone,
    For beauty shall age and fade out,
    True love and honour shall follow you to grave"

    1. Thanks a lot for remembering and taking your time out to read. Writers don't rave about beauty alone, they rave about readers like you too. Your words are truly an inspiration:)
